Friday, February 16, 2007

Pete Sessions says no to Iraq War resolution

Democrats were expecting about 11 Republicans to vote with the majority of Americans and send a message of disapproval for Bush's troop surge. In the final vote, 17 Republicans put politics aside to vote for the resolution. Pete Sessions, of course, voted to contine marching in lockstep with the President.

H CON RES 63 YEA-AND-NAY 16-Feb-2007 3:22 PM
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Resolution
TITLE: Disapproving of the decision of the President announced on January 10, 2007, to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq
246 Yea, 182 Nay, 6 not voting.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pete Sessions' plan for Iraq War--support Bush & keep saying "Democrat Party"

This week, Congress has been debating the Iraq War non-binding resolution, giving the President a vote of no confidence, but continuing to support the troops he already sent into harm's way. Several Republicans used their time to speak out against the war, including Texan Ron Paul, who said the resolution doesn't go far enough, and continued his ongoing campaign to stop the war altogether.

And how did Pete Sessions use his time? Lorelei Kelly of Democracy Arsenal watched 6 hours of the debate, and offers this summary of Pete Sessions' statement:
Pete Sessions kept saying "the Democrat" party (um, Pete, everybody is onto that one)

Time Magazine pulled this quote:
Countered Pete Sessions, a Republican from Texas: "What this resolution is all about is to politically neuter the President of the United States. It is about trying to do something that is politics, not policy."

I guess that's one area where our Pete is an expert, resorting to politics when you can't think of a good policy. His plan? Stick with the President, even when he's wrong, (as long as it's a Republican president, of course), and keep using that poll-tested, gramatically incorrect phrase "Democrat Party."

The final vote is scheduled for Friday.